
Caticlan Airport Transportation (round Trip)
만족도 : 98% (1130 feedback)
1 pax 46,500 원

- It is cheaper and faster to travel than Kalibo as a commodity for Caticlan airport users.
- Minibus, airport via van -> port - Air-conditioned shuttle to Boracay 

Booking confirmed:
- When the payment is completed, the reservation for the tour is completed. You can receive your voucher by email within 12 hours.
- If you have not received your voucher by e-mail within 24 hours, please contact us at our Customer Center at 1661-2372 or your friend "Tour Five" of KakaoTalk Plus.

- Reservation after visiting office in front of Boracay Airport
- Take the bus to Caticlan Harbor
- Take a boat from the port and arrive at the cagban port (Boracay)
- Go to each resort by shuttle from Boracay

Travel tips:
- Less than 3 years (36 months) free
- Same as adult rates over 4 years old
- Group pickup can cause waiting time.

- Caticlan Airport -> Boracay Resort: Station 1-3 - 1 hour, all areas
 - 1 hour 20 minutes Caticlan Airport -> Caticlan Jetty -> Cagban Port in Boracay -> Resorts from Station 1 to 3 only Caticlan Airport -> Caticlan Jetty -> Cagban Port in Boracay -> All of Resorts from Boracay (Pure Transit Approx. 60 min / depending on resort location)
- Boracay Resort -> Caticlan Airport: Station 1-3 - 3-40 minutes, all areas - 1 hour 

 - Land transportation (bus, van, shuttle, etc.)
- Sea transportation (bancas, speed boats, etc.)
- Environmental tax
- Terminal tax  

Not included:
- guide
- Porter tips (staff tip for carrying luggage - 20 pesos for one bag)
- Manor tips
- insurance  

Special Tips !:
 - There is Starbucks at the exit of the Caticlan airport! It is good to be able to enjoy meals and coffee even if you leave early! 

Other instructions:
- There is no guide.
- 365 days open tour Five Cacao Tok Plus You can consult during your trip through a friend.
- Pickup location can only be changed the day before the sanding (9 am to 5 pm).
- Please ask separately when collecting the items as a join product.


Tour description

Even if you come directly to Boracay, there is a long way to go!
You can save time for at least 2 hours compared to those who come through Kalibo. If you are coming to Caticlan Airport, you will be able to reach Boracay Hostel in an hour. The case of Caticlan pickups will be divided into two. The prices and service providers vary depending on the people staying at stations 1-3 and the people staying in the area. We will select the best companies with the best price and the best service, and recommend them to you in Tour Five.

First of all, resort hotels located in Boracay Station 1-3 will be safely used by Island Star Express, which has 20 years of operation capability. Other areas such as Yakup, Dyne Weed and others will use Boracay, the largest transportation company in Southwest Boracay for more than 30 years. When you arrive at the airport, you will need to pick up your voucher and proceed with the procedure. Unfortunately, without reservation, both companies are difficult to use. Please make sure to make a reservation in advance.

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- 투어 참가시 귀중품 및 현금 등의 분실사고와 개인의 안전사고에 대해 각별히 유의해 주세요. (예약 전 안전수칙 동의서 필독 후 동의)
- 개인 부주의로 발생된 사고는 책임지지 않습니다.
- 여행자 보험은 개별적으로 가입하셔야 합니다. 투어파이브 역시 여행자보험 판매 대리점으로 저렴한 가격에 판매 중입니다.
89,900 원  
736,000 원  
22,000 원  
970,000 원  
32,000 원  
164,000 원  
79,000 원  
169,000 원  
72,400 원  
157,000 원  

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